Friday, June 18, 2010

kenapa malam gelap?

I don't know why I can't sleep tonight , I close my eyes to make me feel alright . I don't know to explain this feeling . I only want to be with you till morning . Uncertainty , anxiety uncertainty of me . In my life I always feel so lonely . I can't survive and I need someone like you .

Tawar hati ? adi suka bertindak mengikut perasaan , tanpa fikirkan perasaan onie atau orang lain

Sayang , tapi hilang . Tak payah tahu , dan tak nak ambil tahu , titik

* Shhhh pergi main jauh jauh , jangan siapa pun datang dekat , aku tak nak cakap dengan sesiapa buat masa sekarang


Thursday, June 17, 2010

benci bilang cinta

Semalam aku reject sorang budak lelaki ini. bukan reject lah, tapi kata yang lebih sopan aku mengundurkan diri. atau lebih tepat, aku suruh dia yang undurkan diri. ahh apa apa lah.

Bukan apa, aku tak boleh nak paksa hati aku untuk suka dekat orang. series aku cakap, stail aku macam ni. once aku dah anggap kau macam member baik aku, kalau kau jatuh hati dekat aku banyak mana pun, kalau kau berusaha macam mana sekalipun untuk curi hati aku, kalau kau sabar dan tabah sekalipun dengan perangai aku, aku tetap tak boleh nak paksa hati aku untuk suka kau. memang aku heartless kadang kadang. aku admit tuh..

Tapi tak kan aku nak pura pura ada hati dekat kau jugak? kan berdosa kalau mainkan perasaan orang. but of course aku sayang kau. kau baik, pandai ambik berat. tapi tuh lah, aku memang tak boleh. satu perasaan yang lain nanti. even aku dah cuba, aku masih tak mampu. tunggulah sampai bila pun pendirian aku tetap sama.

Lagipun aku tahu, aku bukan perempuan yang baik. dan aku percaya kau akan jumpa perempuan yang jauh lebih baik dari aku. suatu hari nanti. betul. apa yang pasti, aku hargai kau. ini cakap tak tipu punya. dan kau, akan tetap jadi member baik aku.

p/s;peristiwa hitam dulu buat aku lebih berjaga jaga menerima kawan baik sebagai kekasih.sbb mungkin kawan baik aku tu akan suka kawan baik dia yg lain lalu pergi tinggalkan aku

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shoot me right in the head

I don't know what to say anymore except that I couldn't sleep lastnight , problems are everywhere and I'm facing lots of it right now . You never know but I myself know that I'm not strong enough . Okay I'm writing this for you , yes YOU. I knew that it is over between us , the friendship that we build . It is a different feeling for me , one that I never expected , but looking back , I suppose it couldn't ended another way . You and I were different . We came from different worlds , and yet you are the one who taught me the value of love . I love you for many things , especially your passions , for they have always been those things which are beautiful in life . You are my bestfriend and I don't know which side of you I enjoy the most . You have something inside you , something beautiful and strong . God is with you , I know . I see your tears and I worry more about you than I do about me , because I fear the pain I know you will go through . There are no words to express my sorrow for this , and I am at a loss for words . So I love you so deeply , that I will find a way to come back to you , to build our friendship again , despite my desease , I promise you that . And perhaps , just perhaps , we will find a way to be together again like we used to . Please don't be angry with me on the days I don't remember you , and we both know they will come . Know that I love you , that I always be will . I hope you will read this , and if you read and open this blog to read again , then believe what I am writing for you now . Wherever you are and whenever this is , I love you . I love you now as I write this , and I love you now as you read this . And I am so sorry if I am not able to tell you after this , anymore . Please take good care of yourself as I know you always do . YOU know who you are .
- Okay I know my english sucks , shatttaaappp !

* Aku benci menangis sorang-sorang